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Yves Sadurní Art (Tenochtitlan, 1976) develops his production from activism, in positions that question the sociocultural reality of his immediate context; Hence, Mexico, Spain, France, England, India, the Philippines or New York have been the settings to articulate a plural, inclusive and controversial discourse that explores human behavior and its consequences in ontological arguments. Drawing, painting, design, architecture, sculpture, public intervention or audiovisual works as tools to access from the micro to the macro, from the past to the present, from the general to the particular, from fabulation to the real; These dualities respond to the incessant search for being and the criticism of consumption systems and societies of failed models.

     He believes in the social role of art as a trigger and regenerator of tissues, capable of raising awareness and promoting reflection through the aesthetic and contemplative experience. He is interested in generating currents of thought and possible conceptual catharsis, through plastic actions that arouse curiosity and force the viewer to look inside. He conceives interdependence as the essence of the creative force, and life as a whole in that immense connection where art is the medium, which leads the individual by the hand until it emerges from the community.     

     He has been involved in projects with Vandana Shiva, Satish Kumar, David Byrne, Mos Def, Morcheeba and Michel Gondr; and his works have been exhibited in individual and collective shows, festivals, biennials, museums, galleries, cultural centers, public spaces and natural environments.

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Represented by Fixed project Lima (Perú), and Est_art Madrid, (Spain).


2005    -“Woman and Water Seminary”. Navdanya, Bija Vidyapeeth ,India.

2004    -”Gandhi and Globalization”, Navdanya, Bija Vidyapeeth, India.

2003    -’Watercourse", Casa Encendida, Madrid, Spain.

1995/1998 - Architecture Studies Architecture Faculty, UNAM, México.

1998/1999 - Industrial Design, Industrial Design Faculty, UNAM, México.


Films & Documentaries:

2013    - “Tiempos Felices”, Film by Javier López Henaine. Attrezzo, Celuloide Films, México.

2012    - “Manto Acuífero” Film by Michael Rowe, Attrezzo, Canana Films, México.

2009    - “Megalomania” Michel Gondry animation film: prop designer. Curious Pictures. USA.

2008    - “Red Horse” Documentary Film, Producer, Director and Editor.

2007    - “The Sea of Silence” Documentary Film, Producer, Director and Editor.

2005    - “Ganga from the Ground Up” Documentary Film: Producer, Director and Editor.

2004    - “Fahrenheit 451” TV Program: Director and Editor.

2004    - "The Golden Trumpet" Documentary: Director and Producer, Gucca, Serbia

2003    - Warner Music/ Maghreb Sound System: Designer

2001    - Lola Films/ “El Embrujo de Shanghai”. Set Decorator. Barcelona/Madrid, Spain.

1997-2000- Las Calabazitaz Tiernaz, Production Designer, México.



Solo Exhibitions:

2020    - “2020”, Zeta Club, México city, México.

2019    - “Coto-ExVotos”, La Variable, Madrid, Spain.

2015    - “the Funnel Law”, Kling gallery, Madrid, Spain.

2010    - "Bicentenaria", La Esquina, Soho New York, NY, USA.

2008    - “Not for hire”, Cubao Expo, Manila, Philippines.

2005    - “Lucifer”, “Los Cadaveres Exquisitos” Gallery, Madrid, Spain.

2002    - “Fractals”, “San Vicente Ferrer” Gallery, Madrid, Spain.

1999    - “Indecentes Levitaciones Baratas”, Leonardo Gallery, México city, México.

1996    - “Ego manía”. Ex-convento del Desierto de Los Leones, México city, México.



Collectives Exhibitions:

2020    - ¨Letum¨, Est_Art, Madrid, Spain.

2018    - OFCA, México city.

2011    - Biennale del Fin del Mundo, Hangar Aerospatiale de Ushuaia, Argentina.

2009    -“EcoArt Film Festival”, The Elliot Museum, Stuart, Florida, USA.

            - “Ganga from the Ground Up”, French Alliance Madras, India.

2008    - “In My House” Collective happening /installation, Makati, Manila, Philippines.

            - “Ultramar”, Astra Gallery, Makati, Manila, Philippines.

            - “Europa sa Manila”, Ayala Museum, Makati, Manila, Philippines. 

            -“The Sea of Silence” FICMA, Barcelona, Spain.

            -“The Sea of Silence” Cervantes Institute, Manila, Philippines.

            - “Ganga from the Ground Up” Montreal Human rights film festival, Canada.

            - “Ganga from the Ground Up” Zaragoza water EXPO, Spain.

2007    - “Babae”, Ricco Renzo Gallery, Manila, Philippines.

            - “Manila Manila”, Astra Gallery, Makati, Manila, Philippines.

            - “Water and People” Film Festival, Madurai, India.

            - “Voices from the Water”, Bangalore, India.

            - “Marda Loop Justice Film Festival”, Calgary.

2006    - “Ganga from the Ground Up”, Valencia Museum of modern art IVAM, Spain.

            - “Planet in Focus” Film Festival, Toronto, Canada.

            - “Water Museum”, New York, USA.

            - “Rio de Janeiro” film festival, Brazil.

            - Alberta Environmental Network, Canada.

            -“Docupolis”, Barcelona, Spain.

           - Human Rights Film Festival, “DerHumALC”, Argentina.

2002-2006 “Casa y Calles”, Madrid, Spain.

1996    - “Egomania”, “Exconvento del Desierto de Los Leones”, México.

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