This series takes as reference the popular pictorial tradition called "ex-vows", which consists of making an altarpiece on a metal sheet that reflects an image of gratitude and invocation for some miracle that has happened or is about to happen. As an offering, the altarpieces are hung on a wall of the nearest religious temple.
Starting from this presumption, I make my own offerings and establish an ironic game of questions that begin by putting the limits of the legal and the political concept of territory in check, from the desolate landscape of the hunting grounds that currently make up 60% of the surface in hectares of Spain.
For these purposes I appropriate those signs on metal sheets, which are used to delimit hunting areas, and use them as a support for evocative paintings. Thus, I transform signs of death into signs of life and give them a different meaning. Their usurpation, intervention until they become a "wish", and then relocation to strategic spaces, make up a reflective act on the principles and values that move us as a civilization.
With these pieces I seek to generate a diverse debate about forests and mountains; over private property and the right to life; on the importance of respecting the habitats of thousands of species; about the present and the future. It is striking how at the global and local level the pressure on living systems is palpable, and beyond national and cultural controversies, the reality is that we are being eco-systemically extinct.